@aki i'll chase down the status, the original 0.4.0 build had the state
working correctly but that was 200 commits ago so could definitely have
introduced something funky. The LMS piece also just got a top down
rewrite so could have dropped a stitch there. 

@blackbird nice setup, looks fantastic and I bet it sound equally

freezes are usually a result of memory issues, add threading into the
mix and there's much fun to be had

I've seen freezes on my pi3 build too and they do seem to be getting
more frequent

If you have a terminal open you'll see the monitor may keep on trucking
in the background, just the screen is no longer being updated

I tried running under valgrind which traces and monitors the executable
and sniff out any memory leaks.  Nothing specific popped up but the
exercise is worth repeating.

I've a pi4 setup for development and it runs 24/7 however I'm constantly
running new build through it and its frequently rebooted and other than
blowing the build due to development flubs I've not had a freeze problem
on that device.

I also have a pi4 in the new Audiophonics DAC but as I'm working on a
display driver for that setup I'm not using the setup 100% of the time,
I should move it to my main system rather than having it gather dust in
the workspace.

the additions of the fonts and the easter eggs will have chipped away at
the available memory - which would be why the frequency has increased
over time

given pi4 have far more memory than the 3B I'm wondering if its time to
go back to the original plan an provide builds for 3 and 4 with 3
stripping some of the memory sinks. an alternate is pulling out the
graphics and other static memory resources into a separate library and
dynamically loads if and when required.

I'm thinking the latter approach is the way to go.

the Easter eggs where implemented for devices that were unable to hook
into the audio data and drive visualization.  They're just a bit of
eye-candy while a track is playing, they also allowed me to put my
artists hat on and see how much I could squeeze out of the tiny screen. 
Throw in a bit of animation and rudimentary game AI and I was a happy

so visualizations and the"eggs" are pretty much separate entities

when we added all-in-one I took the same approach but brought them into
the visualization "thread" as folks had requested

I can certainly look at bringing the eggs into the visualization thread

As of 2020/09/20

*Total Tracks: 152,892
Total Albums: 14,120
Total Artists: 19,900
Total Genres: 712
Total Playing Time: 24444:19:04*
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