
see all your hard work and i am grateful for it. Your user support is
also sensational! I have been frustrated about the impression of poorly
tested "fast" versions. I think time is not only your most valuable
asset. And a short feedback is better than none on a not operating
version. Anyway, whoever is without fault, throw the first stone - sorry
for the too short posting.

Back to work ;-)

PCP 6.1, LMS 7.9.1, Pi 3b+:

lmsmonitor (0.4.58) - built Sep 20 2020 09:57:04 which was otherwise
fine for me:
The "white snow" screen comes up after cold boot at the next day
(powered off over night). After 2nd cold boot immediately afterwards,
lmsmonitor always works fine.  

Upfter update on 2020-09-25 20:34: This download was not working here at
all (black screen). 
tc@pcTest61:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce$ PNAME=`cat /usr/local/sbin/config.cfg |
grep "^NAME=" | cut -d'"' -f2`
tc@pcTest61:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce$ sudo /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/lmsmonitor -n
${PNAME} -c -z -f7 -V

Today tried new download:
lmsmonitor (0.4.58) - built Sep 24 2020 22:57:35. Timestamp of
lmsmonitor file is 2020-09-25 04:57 

Seems to work fine, "christmas screen" at cold startup is reproducible
when player is off for longer then 6 minutes. Maybe some time constant
when LMS kills the player out of its list?

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