I live in an apartment and didn't want to mount shelves or brackets to
the wall so I attached some standard 1" diameter black posts used with
wire shelving to the rear of my desk, tied them together with a cross
bar, mounted the speakers and shelf etc.  Sort of a rig job but it's
working ok. I've go the 10" HP touchscreen on a bar that I can swivel
flush to the wall or pull out as shown. Since my desk is just off the
kitchen, I can see it clearly while I'm standing at the island prepping
dinner or whatever.  I have a squeezebox radio in the kitchen too, so
synchronizing the desk and kitchen radio, which is about 15 feet away,
works nicely.

I tried a bunch of different configs which I won't go into but none of
them worked quite right for driving all 3 monitors.  The Wyse 5070 you
can see behind the center monitor, has 3 onboard display ports so it's
driving all three.  The two bigger desk monitors are left and right and
small touchscreen is center top in the display config.  I'm running
xfce4 on Alpine and jivelite is running in a window with frame and title
hidden.  It's working out ok so far.

Picture is blurry, I just can't seem to get a decent monitor shot with
my phone.

|Filename: IMG_20201120_170439807_HDR.jpg                           |
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