For a few days, now, I have been running a piCorePlayer 6.1.0 with LMS
on a Pi 4 B with 2G of memory. I mainly use the Pi to transcode AAC
streams from Tidal. There are no additional plug-ins installed.

I observe the following behaviour: After the LMS is started, it will run
without complaints for about a day, and then the connected players will
suddenly start to re-buffer all the time and eventually stop playing

First of all: LMS will grow in memory consumption over the first time of use, as more dependencies get initialized, data gets cached etc. 200MB isn't unusual if the DB memory cache is set to hight or max (which is by default on a 2GB system).

out of memory:

     Mem: 536364K used, 1417988K free, 21760K shrd, 31656K buff, 210196K cached

Don't know why you'd say "out of memory", when almost 1.5GB are still free?

The Perl process is constantly growing from 100m to about 200m. The faad
and flac processes run with 5404 and 2780 k of memory consistently all
day until the re-buffering starts.

Would these be the same processes over a long period of time, are these new processes for each track played?


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