ralphy wrote: 
> I've been playing 44.1/16 alac files on pcp 7 64-bit for a couple hours
> now without issue and have been since our first 7.0 alpha release.
> We'll need you to provide 1-2 of the "problem" alac files to try and
> track this down.

On my part i have just successfully played Tidal FLAC, Spotty Off
Youtube, BBC Sounds and a couple of MP3 tracks from my library.  The
first ALAC (44.1khz) and Squeezelite crashes .....so I have a 100%
failure hit rate ....so I haven't found it to be the "odd" ALAC track
but 100% of them .... 

My LMS is still running on PCP6.1 server .... and yesterday I installed
CP30 to try and send non ALAC decoded files to my RPI3B+ / PCP7 players
.... which seemed to work.  But for this test I turned CP30 off for the

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