stereoptic wrote: > My pleasure! But if they play for you, why aren't they playing for me? > I updated with the full insitu, I assume it is the 64bit?
It seems that the alac extension included in the image as well as in our repository predates the change to fix the endianess on arm cpus. Please try a Full Update of the squeezelite extension on the Main Tab in the pcp 7.0 32bit web gui. A newer libalac.tcz extension should be downloaded, it not, try again in a few hours as it can take sometime before the changes appear in all regions. Backup your config and reboot before trying to play your alac files. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted) always appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ralphy's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ unix mailing list