I'm having trouble getting mono output to work on my set up. I'm blindly
following instructions with no actual understanding, so please bear with

I have a Kef egg speaker (HTS2001.2). I'm using a Pi Zero with a
hifiberry miniamp to drive the speaker and have piCorePlayer running.
This is my third pi/piCorePlayer set up, but the only one that needs to
be mono.

The speaker is connected to the right channel and the left channel is
not connected.

Music and radio streaming play fine, but I'm only getting the right
channel output (obviously). If I use a stereo test track, I can here the
right, but the left is silent.

I've tried using the Asound beta tab in piCorePlayer to choose mono
output, but it doesn't seem to change anything. On that tab, it says the
"Output Settings" should be blank and to change them on the Squeezelite
Settings tab. I have tried every possible setting here in combination
with many Asound settings but, when I write the updated file, either a)
it makes no difference, or b) Squeezelite fails to start.

What I want is a downmix of both channels to mono on the RHS and no
output on the LHS.

I've also tried editing the asound.conf file manually in many ways. Here
is my most recent attempt:

  # default - Generated by piCorePlayer
  pcm.!default {
  # default
  type plug;
  slave.pcm ":0,0";
  pcm.pcpinput {
  type hw
  card ALSA
  device 0
  #---ALSA EQ Below--------
  pcm.sound_device {
  type plug
  slave.pcm {
  type hw
  card ALSA
  device 0
  ctl.equal {
  type equal;
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/caps.so"
  pcm.plugequal {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "sound_device";
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/caps.so"
  pcm.equal {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm plugequal;
  ttable {
  0.0 0.5 # L(0) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  1.0 0.5 # R(1) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  0.1 0.5 # L(0) to R(1) at 0.5 volume
  1.1 0.5 # R(1) to R(1) at 0.5 volume

I don't know what to try next...:(

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