Here is the same as in post #36, but with a 48 kHz mp3 file, instead of
a stream:

  [16:06:18.255587] codec_open:264 codec open: 'm'
  [16:06:18.255618] codec_open:281 closing codec: 'f'
  [16:06:18.255860] connect_socket:164 connecting to
  [16:06:18.256142] stream_sock:600 header: GET 
/stream.mp3?player=b8:27:eb:74:ea:41 HTTP/1.0
  [16:06:18.256176] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMc
  [16:06:18.256260] process_strm:384 set fade mode: 0, channels: 0, invert: 0
  [16:06:18.257108] process:528 audg
  [16:06:18.257152] process_audg:440 audg gainL: 3328 gainR: 3328 adjust: 0
  [16:06:18.257182] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 
  [16:06:18.288231] stream_thread:331 headers: len: 491
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: Logitech Media Server (8.1.1 - 1610364019)
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: audio/mpeg
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-albumView=; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expandPlayerControl=true; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-MY_MUSIC=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-FAVORITES=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGINS=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGIN_MY_APPS_MODULE_NAME=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-RADIO=1; path=/
  [16:06:18.288349] sendRESP:226 RESP
  [16:06:18.405621] mad_decode:235 mad_frame_decode error: bad main_data_begin 
  [16:06:18.407177] mad_decode:247 setting track_start
  [16:06:18.407262] mad_decode:276 gapless: skipping 529 frames at start
  [16:06:19.400020] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:20.400647] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:21.002235] process:528 strm
  [16:06:21.002322] process_strm:280 strm command t
  [16:06:21.002357] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:22.003548] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:23.004889] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:24.005577] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:25.006909] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:26.001616] process:528 strm
  [16:06:26.001706] process_strm:280 strm command t
  [16:06:26.001740] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:27.002940] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
  [16:06:27.096859] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 0

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