truscellino wrote: 
> That doesn't look right to me.
> 99.8% CPU for niced processes, almost 0% CPU idle... just to play a
> simple song.
> I don't have any RPi in running order right now to do the same and
> compare. Hopefully someone can?
> A couple of more questions:
> >   > 
  - What are these processes that take CPU? top provides a list that
  > by default is sorted by CPU% so it's easy to check
  - I guess you could ssh into your LMS server and then disconnect it
  > from the router? In that case, would you get similar results when
  > you run 'top'?
  > > > Like Paul Webster, i see it as 99.8% idle.. 
I did look at the list, but nothing seemed to be alarming. I'll open a
new session tomorrow and post it.
Hmm. If i disconnect LMS from the router, it will be disconnected from
my laptop as well and i won't be able to see the running processes, i

Anyway, i regret to say it, but i was much to optimistic yesterday.
There are STILL dropouts, when i pull the cable that goes into the
switch. So the router is probably not the culprit, i guess.

I have given the output from the headphone jack a try. I have to be very
careful now, but i haven't detected any dropouts after listening for
about an hour, so...

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