kidstypike wrote: 
> I installed Volumio and the necessary stuff to enable the DAC, however
> Volumio is just not up to LMS standards. I didn't really use it long
> enough to assess the DAC.
> I installed piCorePlayer, but never got the DAC to work with it. I'm not
> Linux literate, and wasn't really up to asking for help at the time.
> Since then it acts as my LMS server only, it's not used as a player
> (everything in my signature). I added a deeper baseplate and installed
> an M.2 240GB sata drive, then the add-on base and a 1TB 2.5" sata SSD
> drive.
> Sorry can't help with the DAC side of things.

Did you give the HifiBerryDAC+ driver a try ? This uses the same PCM5122
DAC Chip and may work


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