Hello good ppl. 

So I have setup RPI 4 Model B (4gb) and I'm using it only to run
piCorePlayer (with Squeezelite and LMS). I'm connecting over wifi (5ghz)
and using internal bluetooth to connect to the speakers. Everything
works, but randomly I get stutter in audio from time to time (not sure
why this is happening). Anyway, I wanted to configure the player a bit,
maybe increase some buffer or something, schedule restart or similar (to
prevent this stutter).

It seems that picore added a second player to the list after the restart
of RPI (auto-named here Logitech BT Adapter after the bluetooth
connection). Originally I had only one (I've just named it
piCorePlayer), both are up and running as process. Now, I didn't mind at
first that second player was added, since music is playing over it
normally, but I wanted to fix that stutter problem. So my problem is
when I click in the web UI on the second player (Logitech BT Adapter),
it won't switch to it, just returns me to the main page (and original


Is this expected behavior? Sorry if my question is a bit unclear, I'm
still pretty new to all of this. 

Thanks for any help in advance :)

|Filename: picoreq1.jpg                                             |
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