denmla wrote: 
> thanks for fast response and your suggestions. Yeah, I've connected it
> over 5g since I've read here somewhere that there could be interference
> between Bluetooth and 2.4g wifi on rpi (although those were more
> suggestions for rpi3, but I've addressed it anyway).
> Thanks for the suggestion, currently it is on SBC codec, I'll try to
> switch over to the AAC codec and see what happens

You still need to watch your distance too.   The RPI bluetooth
transmitter is not the strongest.  What I might recommend would be to
start an ssh shell.  Use ps to find the bluealsa process.   And kill it.
Disconnect your headphones first.

The run bluealsa from command line, and you will see all kinds of debug

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/bluealsa --profile=a2dp-source --profile=a2dp-sink
--profile=hsp-ag --profile=hfp-ag --aac-afterburner

Once running, connect your headphones, and start playing music.  And
then just watch for any debug info that might occur when you hear your
hiccup in audio.  (Please note for others reading this message a month
or so from today(2/7/2022)  I will be upgrading blueasla soon and that
will change the commandline used.

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