Paul Webster wrote: 
> LMS will not create that directory.
> If you can organise things so that the mount point etc on the new disk
> is the same as the old drive (move the old drive to a different mount
> point first) then you will not even need to rescan and all of the things
> that refer to a file by location will still work (eg playlists and,
> perhaps, ratings).

Thanks for the reply.
So, to verify before I commit:
- copy the 'slimserver' directory from the old drive to the new drive

The old drive was called HomeLMS.  The new drive is called HomeLMS2
(creative, eh? :) )
- In the Mount USB drive section on the pcp LMS GUI:

- - rename HomeLMS to BackupLMS
- - rename HomeLMS2 to HomeLMS
- Click. "Set USB Mount Point"
-  Do I need to reboot or Stop/Start LMS?

Should I change the share names first?  Also, I suppose a complete
rescan wouldn't hurt and for some reason makes me feel more confident.

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