Thanks Jason - I really appreciate the feedback.  The diagram has made some progress since my first post.  It's now
Other responses in line - more feedback most welcome.

Jason Shao (CampusEAI Consortium) wrote:
I think you're right, this kind of logical diagram would help people get a better feel for how the uPortal pieces fit together - thanks for kicking off this kind of documentation development.

Some (quick) thoughts:

* Layout Manager seems like something that belong in Presentation Tier, relying on core "Portal Core" or maybe "Portal Services"
Hmmm.  I think of the Layout manager as the core functionality of the portal from a logical perspective.  Would you see channel manager as the main logical component of the core?  Other ways to characterize what the core portal's function is?  Each of the components in the diagram corresponds to a real uPortal java class or interface.  I think that's key in developing terminology for talking about the architecture.
* Data tier might be more clear if it were unified into one section, but the data items were split into containers: PortalDB, XML/Files, LDAP, External perhaps?
good idea
* "Portlet MVC" as the label for items including iChannel seems confusing.
Yes - further confused by Yale using the name portlet to refer to channels in uPortal.  Since the swim lanes in the larger diagram are meant to be reminiscent of an MVC pattern, portlet mvc  box is meant to show that each portlet or IChannel has its own mvc structure.
* Portlet Preferences seems like it should be a "Business Tier" level service that portlet depend on
But isn't saving portlet preferences a service provided by the portal framework?  Really by CPortletAdapter I guess.
* The boundaries between Channel Manager and Portlet/iChannels seem like there should be a structure that notes those sub-systems interface through either iChannel or JSR-1 68 interfaces
Not sure what you mean..  Maybe this is more correct in the newer diagram.
* Perhaps multiple example portlets demonstrating portlet local, external service, and pass-through type scenarios would make the Portlet side more clear
coming soon
* Mobile device isn't connected with a line to PSM - do you want to add an explicit reference to the profile  infrastructure to address the ability to send different content to different devices?
still debating whether mobile devices need their own theme.  Reference to profile concept might be a good idea - not sure anyone has actually used it though.  Maybe JHU in new mobile theme.
* Not sure if Yale uses Skins, but also, a mention of user-switchable themes seems like it would be on this diagram
No skins yet but this is a good idea - thanks for pointing it out.

Jason Shao
Director of Open Source Solutions
CampusEAI Consortium
1940 East 6th Street, 11th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: 216.589.9626x249
Fax: 216.589.9639


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