OK.  I did some tweaking on ehcache.xml.  First, I ran a baseline with just a 
thousand new users and recorded all the cache numbers.  Next, I doubled the 
maximum allowed elements for the caches listed below that are marked with a 
"*".  I didn't see a reason to change the others.  The first number is the 
hits, the second numbers is misses, and the last is number of elements in the 
cache.  The first row is the baseline and the second row is after updates.  
Long story short, I saw no real difference.  The hit ratios were identical.  If 
anything it got slower.  At this short interval, I believe the TTLs have no 
real effect.

                Page         Elapsed 
                Response     Run
                Time (s)     Time
Baseline        2.014        3m10s
After Changes   2.063        3m17s

        Hits    Misses  Objects in cache
        0       0       0       
        0       0       0       
        0       0       0       
        0       0       0       
        0       0       0       
        0       0       0       
        13000   13007   250
        13000   13007   500
        0       13000   3
        0       13000   3
        49037   34      16      
        49037   34      16      
        0       0       0
        0       0       0
        554915  20      10
        552151  20      10
        71277   2004    2
        71002   2004    2
        278460  8       4
        277078  8       4
        0       0       0
        0       0       0
        208092  6049    1
        208085  6001    1
        8000    0       5
        8000    0       5
        0       13000   1000
        0       13000   1000
        24000   0       9
        24000   0       9
        24000   0       9
        24000   0       9
        8002    5       1100
        8002    5       1100
        8002    13000   1100
        8002    13000   1100
        219009  3019    1000
        218037  3020    1005
        349622  2010    150
        348058  2010    300
        67869   52032   0
        67901   52045   22
        51964   67      0
        51970   86      16
        0       0       0
        0       0       0
        3003    4003    0       
        3003    4003    1       
        1001    4003    0
        1001    4003    1
        1001    4003    0
        1001    4003    1

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Dalquist" <eric.dalqu...@doit.wisc.edu>
To: uportal-dev@lists.ja-sig.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 7:35:23 AM GMT -07:00 U.S. Mountain Time (Arizona)
Subject: Re: [uportal-dev] Fwd: uPortal Peformance

I had replied with this on the uportal-user list:

For the performance my first pointer would be to 

In each release of uPortal we've been moving more and more data out of 
static caches and the user session into Ehcache. I'm not sure its out in 
a released version yet but I recently did some review of the default 
cache config and tuning here at UW and checked in an updated config file 
that at least has comments describing how each cache is used.

Also all of the cache statistics are available via JMX. I'd recommend 
that you monitor those as you're doing your load testing and see which 
caches are filling up and which have poor hit rates. Tuning the size and 
TTLs of the caches should do a lot to reduce database IO and load times.

So I guess I'd be very interested to have you do some basic tuning in 
ehcache then re-run the tests and watch the caches to see if they are 
both large enough and have appropriate TTLs for your usage patterns.


On 06/08/2010 12:13 AM, Alex Bragg wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm doing some performance testing, and I could use some hints on a couple of 
> issues.  First, I'm looking for some hints on things I can tweak in 
> 3.1.1/3.2.1 to improve performance under heavy load.  Second, I'm hitting a 
> bug in 2.6.1 that is preventing me from gathering solid baseline performance 
> numbers, and perhaps someone else has seen it.  Let me explain in further 
> detail.
> We have been preparing for an upgrade of our production systems from uPortal 
> 2.6.1 to uPortal 3.x.  Currently, we're looking at two 3.x versions, 3.1.1 
> and 3.2.1.  In my development environment, I have installed 2.6.1, 3.1.1, and 
> 3.2.1.  My 2.6.1 install is running out of a 5.5.28 Tomcat, and my 3.x 
> versions are running in a 6.0.24 Tomcat.  All versions are running under Java 
> version 1.6.0_12-b04, 64-bit, and I have an Oracle 11gR2 database backing 
> them.
> The layout in each instance is a simple 5-tab layout, with nothing on the 
> default tab.  I have a custom testing portlet that simply executes a SQL 
> query 5, 10, or 15 times and renders a 3-line text output.  On the remaining 
> four tabs, I have mixtures of two or more of these testing portlets.  I run 
> tests with JMeter, and the click path is get login page, login, click tab 2, 
> click tab 3, click tab 4, click tab 5, and logout.  JMeter verifies each page 
> renders properly.  The tests I run execute this click path 4000 times spread 
> across 1, 4, 50, and 200 threads, and there are no waits built into the 
> scripts.
> Here are results from the tests I have run so far.  The values are the 90th 
> percentile page-response time in seconds.  Please note that the number for 
> 2.6.1 in the 200-thread column isn't valid.  At the 200-thread level most of 
> the 200 threads complete their 20 iterations before JMeter starts additional 
> threads during ramp-up.  I end up with no more than 4 or 5 threads running 
> concurrently.  Another thing that skews these numbers is that I can only get 
> valid results using users that have successfully logged in before.  Anything 
> above 2 threads with users that have not previously logged in results in 
> channels failing to render (with the message "You are not authorized to view 
> this channel").
> version 1       4       50      200     50-lb2  200-lb2 50-lb4  200-lb4
> 2.6.1   0.07    0.08    0.7     *0.08*  0.69    4.56
> 3.1.1   0.09    0.09    1.96    7.81    1.18    6.02    1.12    5.49
> 3.2.1   0.17    0.18    7.04    26.43   6.17    20.22
> The "lb2" and "lb4" designators signify that I have started multiple Tomcats 
> on the server, 2 for lb2 and 4 for lb4, and I'm balancing load with HAProxy.  
> I see much better utilization on the server, and both page-response times and 
> elapsed test run times (below) both improve significantly even though I have 
> not added any additional hardware.
> This table shows the elapsed time in seconds to complete the above tests.
> version 1       4       50      200     50-lb2  200-lb2 50-lb4  200-lb4
> 2.6.1   934     454     216     212     209.09  263.43
> 3.1.1   1,537   462     495     813     386.92  660.39  421.41  414.32
> 3.2.1   3,299   862     1,999   3,958   1259.99 2636.8
> Basically, what I see here is that at low concurrency 2.6.1 and 3.1.1 are 
> fairly comparable, and 3.2.1 is noticeably slower.  At 50 threads and above, 
> I see that 2.6.1 is much faster than 3.x.  I also see that at very high 
> loads, 3.x seems to have a point where it just falls over the edge of a cliff.
> Part of that I'm sure is the change in page sizes.  Here are the page sizes 
> JMeter reports (this does not include embedded resources).
>                  2.6.1           3.1.1           3.2.1
>                  Avg. Bytes      Avg. Bytes      Avg. Bytes
> Login Page      2014.93         12865           23963
> Login           2958.61         21716           21909
> Tab 1           5950.05         24221.21        24656
> Tab 2           8840.34         26755.38        27430
> Tab 3           8835.95         26753.3         27428
> Tab 4           7380.03         25525.27        26068
> Logout          2014.94         12865           23963
> TOTAL           5427.84         21528.74        25059.57
> So, back to my two questions.
> 1. What has changed in 3.1.1 that might explain a significant (at least 2x 
> slowdown under load)?  To me it feels like 2.6.1 is caching rendered elements 
> to a much greater degree than 3.1.1.  What can I tweak to improve this?
> 2. Is anyone aware of something I can change to fix the behavior with new 
> logins in 2.6.1 to prevent this issue with channels not authorized?
> Thanks,
> Alex Bragg
> Unicon, Inc.

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