As far as I know it does.

As for consistent SQL case, it is probably doable in 2-3 days of searching through code and testing. You'd have to be careful to really test layout customization because all of that code is still using plain old JDBC and so there are a lot of hand written SQL strings in those classes. We've never really considered doing it for uPortal core because SQL isn't supposed to be case sensitive, it is a lot of time that could be spend just moving some code to a better persistence technology, and it is just asking for potential errors in code that may not be the best understood.


On 12/21/10 11:02 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
From reading the MySQL manual, it says we'd need to adjust every other database and table as well. And apparently many other systems use this same database server.

"If you plan to set the |lower_case_table_names| <> system variable to 1 on Unix, you must first convert your old database and table names to lowercase before stopping *mysqld* <> and restarting it with the new variable setting."

I've raised this with the db admins but it's not something they want to do. This is unfortunate, since a case insensitive setup is best practice for this exact reason.

I'm pursuing alternatives. Does uPortal run ok on SQL Server?


On 22/12/2010, at 2:45 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Can you simply flip the MySQL flag to disable case sensitivity (and make it actually SQL compliant in the process :p)? I think it is documented in the manual.


On 12/21/10 9:12 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
Hi all,

We have a situation where our MySQL cluster has been configured as case sensitive. Thus, the uPortal tables are all uppercase, but several places references these tables as lowercase (looks like the crns and probably some hand written SQL), which is obviously failing.

Does anyone have any idea how much effort would be required to convert the references to the tables to be all uppercase? I think that converting everything in our systems to lowercase would be a massive task, considering we have many existing databases and applications on this cluster already.

Converting it all to uppercase should work, but it does mean that people need to be vigilant when writing SQL by hand so as to ensure all uppercase. Alternatively, convert all of the table creation SQL to produce lowercase table names.




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