Urang sakedahna reueus pami ayeuna angklung sumebar di Malaysia, teras
dianggo ngahaleuangkeun lagu-lagu Malaysia. Nu penting mah, sajarahna teu

Saleresna urang Malaysia nyalira ngangken, yen Angklung teh asalna ti
Indonesia, hususna West Java.

"The Angklung is a musical instrument originating in Indonesia. The region
most famous for the Angklung is West Java. The Angklung is not made with any
metal or nails whatsoever. It is made wholly of bamboo, from the main body
of the Angklung to its stand. The Angklung comes in various sizes, the small
ones are household ornaments, medium and large sized Angklungs are usually
used for orchestras. A complete set comprises 85 Angklungs. Most Angklungs
play a single note. The interval between differently-sized bamboo tubes on
each Angklung is one octave. The playing of the Angklung involves shaking
the instrument rapidly to produce a continuous note, or shaking it very
briefly to produce a pizzicato-like note.

Source: Traditional Malay Music by Sri WarisanSom Said Performing Arts Ltd"


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