Aya deui Kumisan atawa Janggotan kakapeungan..biasana
amburadul...kulantaran nunggu artos kangge meser SILET

--- "Heryadi, Eddy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nambihan teh... 
> 7. Kumis Pulisi....ngumpul di sisi.....  kumis
> kurang gemuk...hihihi..... 
> ari tukul kaasup kumis pulisi teu nya....? atawa 
> 8. Kumis Lele... kumisna tukul... 
> baktos,
> eddy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
> Behalf Of Roro Rohmah
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 4:14 PM
> To: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Urang Sunda] re : Kumiz....Jakarta Orde
> Kumis
> Leres oge Wa, matak Fauzy Bowo kenging oge, perbawa
> kumis... 
> Tetela kumis teh ngajantenkeun hiji pameget
> berwibawa. 
> Tapi, pami teu kumisan asa katingalna langkung anom,
> malihan mah  sok jiga
> budak bolon/boloho heheh...
> Ketang, teus sadaya kumis nyandak wibawa, nu kumaha
> heula kumisna?
> Da, nyengclena kumis di luhureun baham teh kedah
> saluyu sareng sifat
> jalmina.
> Geura urang tataan :
> 1. Kumis Baplang, nu tungtungna sok dipuril-puril
> jiga kumisna Pak Raden
> Singomenggolo Jalmowono nu aya dina pilem si Unyil
> jaman abdi nuju alit.
> Ayeuna ge aya di Trans7 "Laptop si Unyil", tapi
> ditingali teh asa teu rame,
> duka pedah abdina tos sepuh heheh...
> 2. Kumis Leubeut biasa, tah nu ieu mah remen
> nyengcle di seuseurna pameget.
> 3. Kumis Sauted tengahna wungkul, diingu ku Jojon &
> Charlie Chaplin.
> 4. Kumis Bodas, eta mah aki-aki kumisan
> 5. Kumis ngajeprit/ipis, kumis budak ngora biasana
> mah...nambih kazeph
> (contona: Zorro)
> 6. Kumis ngajeler paeh... eh, eta mah halis heheh...
> sok, bade aya nu
> nambihan?
> .
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