As Kee Nethery said, the answer to the names of the variables is in the <FORM ... </FORM> section of the starting web page.
Spaces are not allowed in the GET string, thus the '+' char.
You could use LCode urlEncode(GetString) to be sure all chars necessary are converted before sending a GET to a web server.

One of the plugins or addons for Firefox that helps you see what is happening between the browser and web server is Live HTTP Headers. Caution when using this kind of addon... it will supply more info than most people ever want know about web server commands.

One extra note. Some web pages have more that one FORM, so you need to locate the correct one to build the expected GET string.

On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:20 AM, James Hurley wrote:


Thanks. Good explanation.

But I still wonder where RIchard came up with the input to the GET command, namely:

visited =1&pagenumber=0&firmname=&address2=620+moulton&address1=&city=los + angeles &state=ca&urbanization=&zip5=90031&submit.x=48&submit.y=8&submit=Find +ZIP+Code

I can use it as template to find the nine digit zip code for any address and so my problem is solved, but I would like to know where it comes from. I am missing something that I may need the next time.

Thanks again,

Jim Hurley

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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