
I'm not a real big fan of the "muscular morons," but it might improve your opinion of Sylvester Stallone if you were aware that he not only starred in the "Rocky" series, but he wrote and directed too!

My family just did an experiment for an exercise in film criticism (acting like critics) and while there was plenty to nitpick about, we found the character of Rocky was actually quite complex. I'm not saying the storyline was not easy to anticipate, but if you enter "Rocky's World" and put yourself in the character's life/mind, the challenges he faced were significant and the "character" of Rocky changed throughout the series.

I think one of the fallout of watching so many movies in a never-ending stream is people never have time to reflect on what they just watched with any depth of thought or feeling. Knee-jerk critics, siskel, ebert, etc. are the most vulnerable to this syndrome. In order to produce a review they have to shoot from the hip, but they never get a chance to just let it simmer. I have personally found a number of movies that seemed inane on first glance, but in forcing myself to view them with a different attitude, I have uncovered some gems, but your mileage could vary. :)



        Richmond <mailto:richmondmathew...@gmail.com>
Saturday, February 05, 2011 12:36 PM

On 02/05/2011 08:21 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
Yeah, R, that's why it's a nightmare! I don't wanna be Rambo or Carrot Top. So why do they keep coming into my nightmares????

Just Askin!

Speaking as a person with red hair (that's going grey quite quickly) . . . the answer to the second on is obviously "choose parents with the genes for red hair"; and the other one . . . frankly, seeing Sylvester Stallone on the television recently, I think I would pass on that . . . :)

I suspect, that when all is said and done, your Livecode programs have more influence for good than either Carrot Top (whose 'humor' from a British point of view looks both weak and infantile) or Sylvester
Stallone (whose 'muscular morons' look like nothing more than just that).

-- Tom McGrath III

On Feb 5, 2011, at 12:37 PM, Richmond wrote:

Um? One wonders how a Sylvester Stallone wannabee ends up programming with Livecode.

I say "Sylvester Stallone wannabee" because those of us who have been shot at know that
it ain't like that at all.

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