On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Nonsanity wrote:

 Are you sure the "is among" line works there?

I apologize for creating confusion with my example.
You are correct in that I mixed the TWO forms of the SWITCH structure in the same example.

    "among the words"
only works if you use the 'naked switch' form
   where you specify each test,
rather than test against a single variable

 It sucks to build a whole switch
structure, only to find out that you need to also test a second variable for some cases, and have to convert the whole thing to if-elses after the fact.
The following should let you see an alternative:
--------  script 1  ---------------------
   put word 1 of fld 1 into testValue
   put "second test" into conditionTwo

   SWITCH  -- no variable specified
      case testValue = "red"
      case testValue = "yellow"
      case testValue = "orange"
         put "red" into newFontColor
      case testValue = "green"
      case testValue = "blue"
      case testValue = "purple"
         put "green" into newFontColor
      case (testValue is among the words "pink coral azure maize") \
             and (conditionTwo is "second test")
         put "gray40" into newFontColor
      case (conditionTwo is "second test")
         put "CornflowerBlue" into newFontColor
      case (testValue is among the words "pink coral azure maize")
         put "Aquamarine" into newFontColor
         put "black" into newFontColor
   end switch

   set the textcolor of fld 1 to newFontColor
   ;put newFontColor

--------  script 2  ---------------------
put word 1 of fld 1 into testValue
SWITCH TESTVALUE  --using variable
 case "red"
 case "yellow"
 case "orange"
      put "red" into newFontColor
 case "green"
 case "blue"
 case "purple"
      put "green" into newFontColor
      put "black" into newFontColor
end switch

set the textcolor of fld 1 to newFontColor
   ;put newFontColor

On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Nonsanity wrote:

Are you sure the "is among" line works there?

The case structure equates what comes after the "switch" keyword with what comes after each "case", executing the code after first one to match and all further code until it hits a "break". By those rules, you would only get "darkBlue" if testValue contained "false". Since "false" is not in the color list, the "is among" returns "false", which then matches the switch value, so "darkBlue" is returned. But if testValue is "pink", you're going to get
"black" as a result.

I can't test it right now, so I'm not sure, but that's how I read the code. But if that code works as you say, then LC's switch flow control is severely
distorted from the norm!

Personally, I avoid switch-case controls like the plague... UNLESS my needs exactly match the control's two main strengths - one and only one value to
test, and fall-through concatenation of code blocks - AND the use is a
simple, one-screenfull affair.

Switches reek of the evil stench of gotos and taste of spaghetti. They
aren't as readable as the rest of LC's code, which tends towards spoken
language on the whole.

IF you can speak a switch statement in a sentence, THEN it might be the better solution, ELSE you're probably better off just sticking with if-else

...Which are more flexible, anyway. It sucks to build a whole switch
structure, only to find out that you need to also test a second variable for some cases, and have to convert the whole thing to if-elses after the fact.

[This option may not be equal to the majority's view, but it's mine.]

~ Chris Innanen
~ Nonsanity

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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