On Mar 2, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Andre Garzia wrote:
I tend to work on the same way. longer forms makes shorter understanding time. I'd rather write more and understand more than write faster and then
one week from now, be completely lost in nested mazes

Well said.

And sometimes lengthy deeply-nested IFs are good candidates for a switch block.

I once stumbled across two tips about code style that have been very helpful:

1. If a given function has nested IFs more than three levels deep, it may be a good candidate for breaking it up into smaller functions.

2. If a function is longer than can be viewed in one screen, it may be a good candidate for breaking it up into smaller functions.

Sometimes those can't be applied for sound practical reasons, but where they can oh boy does it make code more readable.

I grapple with this all the time. My status with LC is "dedicated amateur," so I may not use the best practices, but.... One other consideration is breaking out a chunk of code when it needs to be reusable, but this is not without problems too.

I have a number of text-processing handlers that parse out various context-sensitive options for constructing pop-up menus, inserting text strings that are themselves constructed using various if-else- then scenarios, etc, and these tend to result in very long handlers with lots of conditional branching. I keep trying to break up my long handlers into smaller chunks. What I run into is that to do this I often face trying to construct functions that require 8-10 parameters, which are cumbersome to call, since you have to keep careful track of the order in which to list things in the calling statement. Whereas within a long handler I can make use of multiple variables that already contain pieces of data and make use of them without having to pass them anywhere. I usually end up splitting off a chunk of code into a function when I find that I need to use it a number of times in different contexts. I end up with some handlers and functions that require lots of parameters but can be called from many different buttons, fields, menus, etc., in which case living with a long parameter list is well worth it for the flexibility.

I have not yet found very many tricks to avoid long multivariable handers, given that I'm trying to provide extremely context-sensitive behavior. I do end up with some very sophisticated features, eg, constructing a prescription for printing or just logging, checking to ensure the med is not in the patient's allergy list, checking if a telephoned prescription is a controlled drug and therefore needs a faxed copy and if so then setting up a reminder to fax the copy (but only if there is a fax number listed for the patient's pharmacy, if not, then a reminder to get the fax number), logging the prescription in the notes field and the current meds list, calculating and noting the expected date the med will expire, loading the med into the prescription history, and checking to see if a serum blood level is (a) necessary and (b) overdue -- all with a mouseclick on the med listing line, and a couple of keypresses.

It turns out that it is hard to break this kind of thing down into one- page handlers, but I keep trying. I tend to use switch blocks for long complex conditionals and if-else-then for the shorter conditionals, but I'm fairly sloppy about when I do one or the other. But I almost always construct if-else-then structures using the long form -- I heartily agree that it is much, much more readable.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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