On 1/18/19 12:33 PM, kee nethery via use-livecode wrote:
Iā€™m confused. Can someone explain why merge function exists when the put 
function works just as well?

merge( [[ 1 + 2 ]] = 3)
put 1 + 2 && ā€œ= 3ā€

What is it that merge can do that a put cannot do?

For me, it's convenience, precision, and readability (no need for all those ampersands and quote marks.) I use it mostly for reports, auto-generated emails from my server, and sometimes dynamic HTML construction. It also eliminates the need for multiple "replace" commands.

For example, imagine a text template in a custom property named "cText":

Dear [[username]],
Thank you for your interest in [[productname]]. [[productname]] is available for download at [[productURL]].

And the script:

put "John Doe" into username
put "Zygodact" into productname
put "http://mydomain.com//zygodact.html"; into productURL
put merge(the cText of me) into tResponse

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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