As your splash stack is, presumably,either a substack of your main
standalone, or the main stack itself
I don't think you can exit it without the whole standalone exiting.
So, I suspect, you'll have to find another way of getting the splash
stack out of the way.
Personally I'd make the splash stack invisible:
on openStack
set the vis of stack "mySplash" to false
end openStack
or move it off-screen:
on openStack
set the bottom of stack "mySplash" to -100
end openStack
On 17.05.19 23:27, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
Hi all.
I have a splash stach in a Windows Standalone. When I close (or otherwise quit)
the stack which the splash stack opens (the actual application) I get a runtime
error, and the Splash process continues to run.
What is the proper way to cleanly exit an app of this nature?
Bob S
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