I spoke too soon. When I tested, I hard-coded a value as the filter string. But when I use a variable, it fails as it did before. The elements of the array all start with a 4-character string followed by an underscore, for example: ER01_some text here

My variable contains "ER01":

  put tVar & "_*" into tFilter
  filter elements of sArray with tFilter into tNewArray

No go. I've tried a few different iterations. However, this works:

  filter elements of sArray with "ER01_*" into tNewArray

Even with no matches though, Tom was right. Looping through the keys takes 0.03 milliseconds. Filtering takes 0.22 ms.

On 6/21/19 1:38 AM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
Thanks to all for the replies. Monte, I didn't see your post until Tom quoted it, for some reason it didn't arrive here.

At any rate, I'd already tried "filter elements of..." and it failed which is why I posted. But I must have had my filter wrong because I just tried it again and it worked. So that part's solved.

And I found something interesting: when I filter a numeric array, the keys remain attached and since they are numeric, they're in order. Fancy that. :)

All is well. Thanks guys.

On 6/20/19 11:10 PM, Tom Glod via use-livecode wrote:
A great question Jacque ....Helpful thread all around.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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