Found the problem. My script local was being emptied for some reason, so there was nothing to filter. After repopulating all data it worked.

My only excuse is that I've been avoiding stepping through the debugger because LC has been crashing when I do that. I've sent in many crash logs but it's only recently I've discovered it happens only with Step Over. It's hard to believe no one else has seen this, which I've been seeing since LC 9 first came out, but that's why I didn't know what was in the variable. Now that I've discovered breakpoints don't crash as long as I don't step through, I was able to see what's going on.

If you have experienced crashes during debugging, take a look at and

I have several more in my collection that I haven't uploaded yet.

On 6/21/19 4:26 AM, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode wrote:

Am 21.06.2019 um 09:01 schrieb<>:

From: "J. Landman Gay"

I spoke too soon. When I tested, I hard-coded a value as the filter
string. But when I use a variable, it fails as it did before. The
elements of the array all start with a 4-character string followed by an
underscore, for example:  ER01_some text here

My variable contains "ER01":

   put tVar & "_*" into tFilter
   filter elements of sArray with tFilter into tNewArray

No go. I've tried a few different iterations. However, this works:

   filter elements of sArray with "ER01_*" into tNewArray

This works for me in 9.0.4 and 9.5 DP1

on mouseUp
    local tErr = "ER01"
    local tArray, tVar, tNewArray

    put (tErr & "_*") into tVar

    repeat with i = 1 to 17
       if i mod 2 is 1 then
          put tErr & "_" & i into tArray[i]
          put i into tArray[i]
       end if
    end repeat
    filter elements of tArray with tVar into tNewArray
    filter elements of tArray with tVar
end mouseUp

may be O <> zero?

Kind regards

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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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