Aha: it's "Mr Mouth", late to the party, but well furnished with virtual whisky and raxin up tae an unco raj state.

And, much against my inner inclinations I will put the following in English (although I have always viewed English as a cold, sterile language, while Scots speaks directly from the heart);

All the "bull" (oops, that's American) about "Community" is bull, no more, no less.

The "good" folk at LiveCode Central cherry pick from the "community's" gripes/comments/feedback/ideas to serve their ends, and exclude things that, while in many cases being extremely pertinent, do not serve
or further whatever goals they have set their eyes on.

As an ex-cult member (Yes, really) I know all about top-down systems and what the results are: never either equable or effective. And, as an ex-cult member I know that the high-ups got there either by chance, by extremely dirty politics, or because the guru "fancied the shape of their knees."

I spent an awful lot of time and energy working to release other people from a variety of cults; so my
understanding of the mechanisms of these organisations is fairly good.

Now, as someone who pushed for years for LiveCode to release a truly free version of their fantastic language/ ide/programming package I was 100% ecstatic when the open source version was released.

I have NEVER bought into the "Community" crap: because that is what it is: crap!

There is a community insofar as many people who use LiveCode for various reasons help each other
with things they get stuck with: and that, as far as it goes, is super.

A "Community" as endlessly burbled on by LiveCode Central is a typical cultic system: "you come up with bright ideas and we take what we like and what serve our interests and overlook what is

Just recently I read about the British/English parliament (which has been called the "Mother" of parliaments) described as the "Madam" of parliaments: presumably pimping its members and its voting public like nobody's business.

LiveCode, if it wants to keep its "Community" happy has to start treating its community of established programmers/coders with respect and stop riding roughshod over its complaints and bug reports that have sat on record for donkey's ages without being addressed: or just "cut the crap" and stop mentioning the word "community" and all the rather fake attempts at cuddly-feely kissy-wissy stuff that isn't anything it is
stated to be.

Anybody with any sense of "smell" know that LiveCode have had to move from their "toney" offices up "there" to somewhere scaffy down "there", and the reason is they have buggered up their public relations.

How come what is a wonderful language/ide/programming package that is ideal for High school kids is ONLY used in a few schools in Scotland and a few wierdos (self included) elsewhere?

I contributed my "Widow's mite" to a LiveCode fundraiser and have seen that some of those promises have been entirely empty: so, why should I and many more, who have invested a lot of time and effort getting to know this language stump up anything further when we are treated with patrician disdain, total disregard for our suggestions, advice and so forth?

And who, forbye, had the idea that Filemaker was so damned important that everything else had to be put on standby?

After all, a trip to the Filemaker webpage tells us that (Wow! They've revived the name 'Claris'), this is a package used on Macintosh computers only: well "f*ck me with a shovel", who uses Macintosh? about 7% of computer users in  what racists like to call "the civilised world."

I develop a program called "Devawriter Pro" with LiveCode for Sanskritists to digitise Sanskrit: I make about $200 a year on it (something to do with being an ex-cult member): I have absolutely NO illusions about it: I'd make more selling my body round the docks in Aberdeen (might even have more fun). But, unlike LiveCode, I don't rely on Devawriter to stock my fridge, and I don't have delusions of grandeur about it being " Hari Nama, Hari Nama, Hari Nama, Kalyau, Kalyau, Kalyau nastyeva gatir anyataha" and kicking
the pants out of all the other programming suites out there.

A while back, Kevin Miller developed an innovative front-end to Metacard, and somewhere between that point
and now someone or other seems to have badly lost the plot.

On 3.10.19 16:31, Dan Brown via use-livecode wrote:
I'm sure that LC HQ would have loved to solely preside over the language
and a flourishing opensource and enterprise community that kept the lights
on . Unfortunately that just hasn't happened since the kickstarter
campaign. Without the LCFM  lifeline I think they may have ceased to exist
in the medium term.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 2:08 PM Mike Kerner via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

poor comms don't make this better.  one good thing about LCG was that we
had bi-monthly updates.  this year, no comms.
i am less hopeful that the influx of new revenue will matter in the medium
term, because most of the effort will be on the requests that are tied to
the new revenue.
every time this has happened with any other tool we use here, we wait with
disappointment.  then at any sign of effort, we get excited, and then we
seep back into disappointment.
it's feeling like it's time to back-burner LC, too.  there is good energy
from about 50 people, but the mother ship is doing a poor job of managing
that energy.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 5:56 AM Lagi Pittas via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

Hi Tom,

It doesn't take a Sherlock home to work out that if (I hope when!)  LCFM
works out that the company will have
an influx of "new blood" with the attendant large increase in yearly

My very short post (cut down from my usual rants) was lobbing a tiny hand
grenade in to arena, and see if someone at LCHQ
bites and tells us something of consequence rather than "it's going well"
or LC will be the better for all the new stuff they are working on.

Surely if they have some extra money coming in they can have someone
working on finishing all the (paid for) promises and milestones.
(HH and Sean  I feel your pain - HTML5 anyone?). I'm reading between the
lines but Trevor probably knows how well it's doing - but the rest of use
are being treated like mushrooms.

"Soon" can be years rather than months and weeks - and typically is
For example Filemaker has a precision of 16 to 400 digits. So that MUST
have been coded for, will we get that retrofitted in the future .
I'm not asking because I need 400 digits but you never know.

Filemaker has data binding and field Validation.

(I could do that in Clipper in 1985 with field masks). Yes I've rolled my
own but their are things  better done as a standard in an LC library.

When is the IDE that still crashes at least 4 times a day whenever I  run
through more than 5 breakpoints in succession,going to get some love.
What about the Script Editor being SLOWER than molasses - 4 seconds
key presses.
What about Sqlite engine/library, the 2D physics where we were told there
was a working version over a year ago. The Sound on Linux. What about the
raspberry PI version. I shouldn't need to go on.

I want LCFM  to work like the next guy but please tell us what is going
and  when.

I'd rather base my decisions on facts rather than airy fairy words.

Are more programmers coming on board or is LCFM the new shiny object?

Sorry for the Mr Angry tone , but I'm a little (make that very irritated)
at the moment, as I  just got off the phone to the Bank where the Zombie
script reader who asked me 8 (countem EIGHT questions) to get me past
and I was only phoning up to ask why my Card Readers hadn't arrived.
People can have £70,000 taken out of their accounts with just a sortcode,
name and account number and I am asked for 8 pieces of information to ask
where the card readers  that were ordered nearly 3 weeks ago were!!!

Regards Lagi


Two Card readers turned up after my call. - Two more are on their way.
Maybe if i look at downloads ther might be a version 10 Stable of

On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 23:25, Tom Glod via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

We all need livecode the company to be stable and profitable, so if
have to temporarily focus on x to create long term viability, then they
should do it. Maybe just let everyone know what the plan is....and
a release with multiple bug fixes such as 9.05 is important to
it a little bit.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 3:17 PM Mark Wieder via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

On 10/2/19 11:24 AM, Trevor DeVore via use-livecode wrote:

I suspect that the quick updates to LiveCode FM are a sign that the
at the FileMaker conference generated a lot of interest and there
momentum building there. Perhaps they are trying to quickly fill in
gaps based on that interest so that they can close more licensing
that is the case and they can build that revenue source then it
ultimately be a good thing for those of us who don't use LiveCode
unfortunate that LC has to sit mostly idle for so long though.

Indeed. There are currently some 200 or so pull requests waiting in
queue for action.

I'm encouraged by this:
   Mark Wieder

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On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
    and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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