> Richard H. wrote:
> Silly question now that I think of it . . . does t avoid
> the pixelization that the pdf widget performs?
> And for that matter, does it work with cropped sections,
> or just full pages?

The PDf-lib doesn't use image snapshots. It is true PDF:
Copied are pages and all it needs for each page from the
pdf's catalog. So usually there will be no increase in
size from the merged parts to the merged sum. And there
will be no change in quality.

The merged input pdfs can be of any size. So, as long as
your "cropped sections" are true PDF and not images then
there will be no problem.

Of course, merging can't improve embedded pictures.
And included pictures will pixelate at some point of

And of course built-in javascript as clickable links to
pages in the same document or URLs are lost.

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