Hi Bob,

> Am 31.10.2019 um 20:03 schrieb Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>:
> OK New version with error checking, and also addresses the issue where Klaus 
> could not compile:
> on exportScaledImage pSourceFile, pDestFile, pScaleFactor, pFormat
>   -- Validate parameters
>   -- pSourceFile
>   if not there is a file pSourceFile then \
>         answer error "Source file does not exist!" as sheet ; exit 
> exportScaledImage 
>   set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>   -- pDestFile
>   if not there is a folder (item 1 to -2 of pDestFile) then \
>         answer error "Destination folder does not exist!" as sheet ; exit 
> exportScaledImage
>   -- pScaleFactor
>   if not (pScaleFactor is a number) or not(pScaleFactor <1) then \
>         answer error "Scale factor must be a percentage > 0!" as sheet ; exit 
> exportScaledImage
>   -- pFormat
>   if not (pFormat is among the items of "JPEG/BMP/PNG") then \
>         answer error "Valid formats are: JPEG, BMP or PNG." as sheet ; exit 
> exportScaledImage
>   -- set the source file as the template image and get dimensions
>   set the filename of the templateimage to pSourceFile
>   put the formattedwidth of the templateimage into tFW
>   put the formattedheight of the templateimage into tFH
>   -- scale the image to a round value
>   set the width of the templateimage to round(tFW * (pScaleFactor /100))
>   set the height of the templateimage to round(tFH * (pScaleFactor /100))

## Just tested with DO, this does work WITHOUT switch 8-)
put "export the templateimage to file " & quote & pDestFile & quote & " as" && 
pFormat into tCommand

>   do tCommand
>   -- reset
>   reset the templateimage
> end exportScaledImage



Klaus Major

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