This is a fantastic idea, although I'd be wary of the takeaway pizza: it might be infected.

I am using Zoom myself for my work with children, and it works very well indeed.

To all my friend, acquaintances, sparring-partners and enemies on the Use-List: do keep safe and healthy:
the world would be a lot poorer without you.

Best, Richmond.

On 25.03.20 16:47, Heather Laine via use-livecode wrote:
Dear List Folks,

These are strange and difficult times. Thanks to COVID-19 we at LiveCode Ltd. 
are all now working from home, and staying together as a company via Zoom and 
Slack. It's working pretty well for us I must say, at least so far. Turns out 
programmers don't much mind being locked in a room alone with just a computer 
and a takeaway pizza for company...

I'm sure many of you are in the same boat, quarantined or semi-quarantined and 
trying to keep going without the usual levels of face to face support and 
company. We've been talking about how we can all support each other during this 
time, and stick together as a community.

We want to do our bit. To this end, we are planning to setup a monthly zoom 
room for everyone on the list to access. You can speak to each other, find out 
how everyone is doing, share your projects, tell your story. We will join these 
rooms when we can. This will very much be an extension of the use-list, with 
the same ground rules - we're here to talk about using LiveCode, and help each 
other out with that. Obviously there will be some water cooler type chit chat 
but please... no politics, religion or cheese! Let's keep it positive. It will 
be community run, we will participate as and when we can but primarily this is 
for you all to talk to each other. We'll work out the mechanics of it as we go 
along, but it looks like zoom has the facility to split off smaller groups so 
it does not become too unmanageable and everyone has a chance to participate.

On top of this we want to do more - we want to use what we have to help. We are 
fully aware that people across the world are having to stay home, some are 
fortunate enough to be able to keep their jobs or businesses and some have not 
been so fortunate. We want to give people the opportunity to learn a new skill. 
Taking a leaf from Andre's book (thanks Andre, and pun intended...), while this 
crisis is ongoing we are going to make the first year of LiveCode Indy 
available to brand new users from free to full price. This will be on a sliding 
scale - people can pay whatever they want or can afford. No judgement. We hope 
you can help us spread the word, if you know anyone who is in a tough 
situation, or just someone who has always wanted to code - please pass this on 
to them. We also ask you (although we know you will) to welcome new people to 
the community with open arms and help them through this new journey. We would 
love to hear any ideas you have on how we as a community can help more people 
through coding. We are putting the campaign together now, we expect to be ready 
to launch it in a few days time.

All we ask at this time is that existing customers do not cancel their 
subscriptions to then go ahead and purchase a new license on the sliding scale. 
It's worth noting that although the first year will be at a price determined by 
the user - the second year will be at full price. If any of you are struggling 
at this time and are concerned about your subscription payments please do get 
in touch with me on the usual email and we will try to 
support you in the best way we can.

Thanks for reading this rather long post. Take care, stay home, stay well and 
enjoy this excellent opportunity to really get to grips with LiveCode in your 

Warm Regards,


Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager
LiveCode Ltd

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