Thanks for that background, Tom.

If it *must* be s3 then either working with LC Ltd or crafting an open competing lib would be necessary. Open source competing libs are problematic on both sides, since the dev needs to replicate the effort and the company loses one more advantage to their proprietary offerings. Hopefully that'll work out.

If WebDAV could work for your needs there are at least three FOSS WebDAV libs for LC on Github - here are the forum posts where I learned about them, with links to the repos (IIRC all three are MIT License):

With tsNet:

Without tsNet so it can be used in LC Community Edition:

And one tailored for Nextcloud use:

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems

Tom Glod wrote:

Hi Richard,

Yes exactly.
I just need my application to have object storage, but I don't do business
with AWS.  Amazon gets enough of my money.
The reason I planned to use this library and this method is for simplicity,
more options for hosts, and for trying different things. Like MINIO.
I am working with, basically wanted to offload object storage
to a less expensive solution, and also running a microservice to do a
couple of things on Digital Ocean...which is where Canela hosts as well.
They also have the CDN built in, which moves data closer to where its being
downloaded, which could be a very useful bonus feature.

I was planning for this part to be simple, but my mistake for not looking
into the library better before I assumed.
Anyways, I'm sure there is an answer that will work without taking up a
whole lot of time.



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