I have released my first project with in-app purchases but only to 50% platform 
success: Android works but iOS does not. I’m using the directions at 
 but am getting generic errors. 

I had been receiving the dreaded “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” error, but 
did the test user creation dance a couple times to step past that.
When trying in the simulator with a real user account or registered sandbox 
user I’m getting a mobileStorePurchaseError of “UNKNOWN_ERROR"
When trying on the device (production build from App Store) I’m getting a 
mobileStorePurchaseError of “An unknown error occurred”

These are all submitted and approved consumables registered in App Store 
Connect. Is there anyway to track down a more descriptive error message? Same 
code is working for Google Play. 

Compiled with LiveCode 9.6.2rc3 on macOS 11.0.1 using Xcode 12.1

—Andrew Bell
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