YES . . . What he said!

> On Mar 29, 2021, at 8:55 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> TL/DR:
> We don't need a generic player.
> What we need is an updated Standalone Builder, to provide more complete 
> tooling and better guidance for building a modern standalone.
> ------------- more complete version ----------------------------
> Background
> ----------
> This thread, and many others like it, didn't start with a desire for a 
> player.  That was merely a response to the challenges of building standalones.
> Building standalones is the point of LiveCode, the culmination of everything 
> in LC's user experience.
> And it's become a pain point for most, early-prohibitive for some.
> OS changes are of course not LC's fault.  But they are LC's opportunity, if 
> the company wants to maintain its place as the easiest solution for making 
> apps.
> The Last Great Deployment Change
> --------------------------------
> Back in the early days, the IDE's Standalone Builder didn't provide any 
> support for document associations, creator codes, or other essentials we now 
> take for granted.  It was expected we'd open some dev tool from Apple 
> (ResEdit) to set those up.
> LC Ltd recognized those steps were cumbersome, and often error-prone where 
> they were being done at all.
> So they took the time to completely redesign the Standalone Builder to 
> include support for nearly every detail apps need for solid deployment.
> The Next Great Deployment Change
> --------------------------------
> Many if not most deployment tooling required by OSes are command-line apps, 
> lending themselves well to being called from another program, such as LC's 
> Standalone Builder.
> Automate everything possible.
> And where a step can't be automated, guidance and be provided, such as a 
> direct link right in the SB's UI to the necessary steps for completing the 
> process, laid out with sufficient clarity and detail to allow the user to 
> complete the build with confidence.
> If a standalone building step is essential, it needs to be handled in the 
> Standalone Builder.
> Use direct automation where possible, or a direct link in the UI to 
> step-by-step instructions needed to complete the task.
> The Business Case
> -----------------
> As we've seen here and many other threads like it from time to time, as long 
> as building a standalone in LC is characterized by confusion and dread, 
> people will seek alternatives.
> Any alternative either compromises LC's revenue model (based as it is around 
> standalone licensing), or eliminates it (if LC is just as hard to use as 
> anything else, why not use anything else?).
> No option provides as much return on investment as focusing on updating the 
> Standalone Builder to be as simple and graceful as it can possibly be.
> LC has a strong advantage with its language, made a nearly unbeatable with 
> its integrated GUI object model.
> Bring deployment up to par with the rest of the experience, and LC has a 
> chance for a good life ahead, slowing attrition rates while accelerating 
> growth.
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Systems
> Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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