Hi all,

I’ll soon release an app made with LiveCode to the App Store, but I’d like to 
have a few more external testers first to catch whatever I’ve missed.

The app is called MölkkyMaster and is used for tracking the score when playing 
the outdoor throwing game Mölkky. The game is popular in some Nordic countries, 
France and a few other countries. It originates from Finland.

Anyway, you don’t need to play Mölkky, or even have a clue how to, to help me 
test the app. Just create a few players and start a game. Then assign random 
score to the players until someone reaches 50 points.

The app is multilingual, currently English, French and Swedish. German and 
Finnish is in the works. The app talks, and you can select different voices 
relevant to the language chosen.

To test, you need an iPhone or iPad and the TestFlight app installed. Then use 
this link to download the app:

Soon I’ll also have an Android version released for testing. I’ve optimized the 
app for iOS, but almost everything worked ’out of the box’ when I used the same 
stack for an Android build. Love LiveCode!

If you’ve never played Mölkky, the aspect of how well the app suits its 
intended target group would naturally be hard to judge. 
So, instead, I hope you’ll just try breaking the app and report back any 
technical errors, or shortcomings in the interaction design etc.

In any case, any feedback is highly appreciated.


Andreas Bergendal
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