On 4/27/2022 11:58 AM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
I like the new look very much, but most of us old timers have specific requirements which LC agrees they want to accommodate.

I'm fine with the IDE being either multi-window or single-window. I've worked with both in the past and can adapt to either.

I would REALLY like language support for easier layouts, from groups (or views) with built-in slidable dividers (H & V) to easier way to set up resizable groups or controls. The geometry manager is not idea and coding by hand gets exact results but is time intensive. Language support for "tearable" or "dockable" windows is another HIGHLY desired enhancement.

80% of our development time is on the UI. We're a data analytics product. Much more of our developer time should be on the data analysis code for new analytical features not  simply making the UI work.

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