On 23/06/2022 10:31, Ralf Bitter via use-livecode wrote:
Hi Alex,

the JSONtoArray() function is part of the mergJSON external.
The README of this external describes how to use this function
and it's counterpart JSONtoArray as follows:

Thanks Ralf. I did see that code in the dictionary - but it also says that those functions are provided in thews.goulding.script-library.mergjson library, so (I think) I shouldn't need to put them in myself.

In fact, I did try it anyway - but that simply changes the error to "handler not found: mergJSONDecode"

Another option would be to load the JSON extension and to use
the JsonImport() function.

Didn't know about jsonImport; it's not mentioned in the dictionary, but I now see it shows up in a few lessons, etc.

However,I think the real problem for me is "... to load the JSON extension ...". I wasn't aware I had to load those extensions which are already part of the standard package (maybe I did that years ago and have had time to forget :-).

I can't find anything about loading extensions other than what to do in the IDE.

How do you load extensions to LC Server ?  On a shared web provider ?  (on-rev)



On 23.06.22 01:31, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

On 22/06/2022 17:02, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
[ ... about using JSON ... ]
But if you don't need interoperability, you wouldn't need to write a parser, since LC includes a good one built into the engine.

What did I miss?

The fact that Livecode's support for JSON is, hmmm, mediocre at best ??

The parser "built-in" seems to work fine in the IDE, but not on the server :

set the errormode to inline
put the version

put "{'name':'asdf'}" into t
replace "'" with quote in t
put JSONtoarray(t) into tA
put the keys of tA

fails with -

file "/home/alextwee/public_html/rampuk/tJSON.lc"
   row 7, col 5: Function: error in function handler (JSONtoarray)
   row 7, col 5: put: error in expression

(there's no mention of any platform restricitons in the dictionary).

I tried copying in the sample ode for wrapping JSONToArray around mergJSONDecode,
which then fails with "error in function handler mergJSONDecode.

(I must admit I encountered this a while ago, figured it was probably a temporary issue so I replaced JSON by LSON, and forgot all about it.) This discussion prompted me to re-try it.

I can't believe this problem isn't causing widespread problems, so it's probably something specific about me, or my on-rev account. If anyone has suggestions, I'll
try them; if not, I'll put it as a bug report into QCC see what happens.


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