Interesting I had no idea there were that many potential progressions. But I am 
still curious how any AI makes the choice, "Not that, this." It has to be able 
to "recall" that the first move leads to failure. 

It has to have some way of paring down it's possible paths to success based 
upon what an opponent does, and it has to do it by trial and error, which of 
course is impossible without a way to recall a successful strategy. 

Bob S

> On Jan 24, 2023, at 17:20 , Geoff Canyon via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 8:10 AM Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
>> I don't think it needs to store ALL the permutations, only the viable
>> ones, the ones that lead to success. That has to be a much smaller number.
> There are only three outcomes: win, lose, draw. Even if the breakdown is
> 0.1% win, 0.1% lose, and 99.8% draw, that would still be far more positions
> than could be stored using all the computing power on Earth, a billion
> times over.
>> But I was using that as an example of the mathematical nature of Chess. I
>> think what we must mean by AI is that through recursion, a computer can
>> retain successful paths to success (success being that which we define as
>> success in the process.) I don't think we will ever see the day where a
>> computer, lacking experience and all the data for a problem, can "reason"
>> it's way to success.
> That's almost exactly what AlphaZero did: it was given the rules for moves,
> and a definition of win conditions, and then played against itself. It
> wasn't given any info on existing openings or endgames. It was entirely
> self-taught, in 9 hours. I think the only reason to say that it didn't
> reason about the game is that we *do* understand how it works at a low
> level, and at an abstract level, but we *don't* understand the specifics
> about how it works at a high level. It's the same way I might understand
> what a chess master means when they say a move is better because it's more
> active; I understand what "active" means in general, but I would likely not
> be able to say why that move was more active than several other moves.
> gc
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