Congratulations. Good to know that you could resolve it.

And now you know why wanted to do a remote session to repeat all steps from 
creating app-specific pw to connecting to apples services. ;)
We could have found out sooner. ;) Unfortunately your security office 
prohibited the use of Teamviewer. 

Anyway, your are now setup to use Notarytool.


> Am 25.08.2023 um 22:34 schrieb Timothy Bleiler via use-livecode 
> <>:
> I think I’ve solved it.  I’m very grateful to Matthias both for his code 
> signing tool and his personal help with this problem.
> In the end it looks like the trouble was caused by a combination of my 
> limited experience with the process and a lack of helpful feedback from 
> Apple’s online tools at critical points.
> Here’s what happened.
> - I have 2 user accounts on my Mac that use different Apple IDs.
> - Somehow the one I use for the Apple developer account had made my Mac NOT a 
> trusted device for the Apple ID I use for development. I have no idea how 
> this happened.
> You can verify that your device is trusted at 
> <><> for your account under 
> “Devices”.
> - Despite the device not being trusted for the account, the website let me 
> think I’d created an app-specific password. I hadn’t succeed, but my lack of 
> experience prevented me from realizing that the second step of the process is 
> getting the actual password back from Apple and copying it down.  I didn’t 
> get anything, no error message, so in my ignorance I thought the seed string 
> I’d typed in WAS the password. So, I did NOT have an actual app-specific 
> password to use in the NotaryTool commands. This caused all commands 
> dependent on an app-specific password to fail.
> What solved it for me was to go to System Settings, sign out of the Apple 
> account on the mac and sign back in again.
> Then sign back in to 
> <><>, verify that my Mac 
> was a trusted device on my developer account and then create a NEW 
> app-specific password.
> This time I saw the second part when they send the actual password. I think 
> you need to copy this down because I don’t see any way to recover it again 
> later.
> Once I had the new app-specific password and my Mac was a trusted device in 
> my developer account, the notaryTool commands worked without errors.
> It all makes me long for the days when we could easily pass around Hypercard 
> stacks for the fun of it!!
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