On 15/09/2011 23:51, Monte Goulding wrote:
> My reading of it was your customer would need the enterprise license not you.

I can confirm that an Enterprise license doesn't let you distribute to your clients (not even test builds, which is what I wanted to do with it). I recently applied for one, and at some point in the process had a ludicrous call from an Apple script-reciter; essentially this part of the application process required them to call me and ask who I wanted to distribute apps under this license to - "for example, colleagues, employees, customers, contractors, friends and family?" It was a trick question - eg if you answered "friends and family" then they shoot you down! I didn't understand the distinction between colleagues and employees (maybe this is a US/UK question) - but it turned out that again 'colleagues' would be the wrong answer. You're only allowed to distribute apps under an enterprise license to employees and contractors.

I explained that I wanted it for two reasons: to create apps for our employees, and when we're building apps for clients, so that we can distribute test versions to them without the hassle of getting their UDIDs into our ad-hoc builds. The robot went off and checked several times, and eventually called back, with the answer that this was absolutely unacceptable. I've gone through the rest of the process and been given permission to get one, but haven't actually given them the $300 yet because I think it's now a bit marginal whether it's worth it to us.

We're currently developing a bunch of apps for a client who now has their own enterprise license, so we're allowed to develop apps with that certificate for them (the apps we're building are for public sale through the app store, but the enterprise license has made the process of distributing test apps to them much easier, previously they were constantly sending us another exec's UDID and asking us to remake the test build). We wanted our own enterprise license to make it easier to do the same for small clients. No luck.

So if your client is really commissioning apps from you for the sole use of their employees: they need their own enterprise license.

You already know your DUNS number: a useful tip for any other (US) company who doesn't yet have (or know) theirs, is that it's probably already been assigned to you and you can find it out without paying $500. Check Wikipedia for a handy trick. Doesn't work for companies not registered in US.

On 16/09/2011 03:51, Monte Goulding wrote:
I have seen one post that suggested an enterprise app can't even be distributed to a supplier for a company. I have no idea how apple controls
that though.

Per my conversation with the Apple employee, it appears that contractors can be covered - but I was focused on the issue about apps being developed for a company by outside contractors, so it's possible that it was only this case. As to how Apple controls it, my guess is that it's honor system, and that this is why they require a DUNS number (and use to require 500 employees) - they just work on the basis that if the company is a certain size, it complies with licenses. (Although our client did say that the other main agency they're working with - massively bigger than us - had their own license and why couldn't we just do this... so I guess that theory may not work.)

As to why one would put up with this... well if they're commissioning you to develop apps, and (someone else?) mentioned a client buying tablets specifically to run their in-house apps, I'd guess the $300 is a pretty minor part of the cost. (Though mind you it's $300/year - I trust the apps don't expire, but I don't know for sure.)

From Apple's perspective, I assume the rationale for this cumbersome process is that in-house apps are a tiny part of the market, and what they _really_ don't want is to make it easy for devs to bypass the Apple store and sell apps to end users without giving Apple 30%. They'd probably much rather not have this process at all, but felt they needed to give really big corporations a way to distribute in-house apps. The process they've devised wouldn't bother companies with thousands of employees - it's only little guys like us and (some of?) our clients for whom it feels like a major PITA. And probably Apple wouldn't really care anyway - as long as you're not selling the app to the public off your site, and depriving Apple of their 30%.

This is just one of the many ways in which Apple's process certification/iTunes connect process is really broken - or rather, is focused on a few cases, essentially big software devs, and tiny garage outfits. In between isn't really catered for. The whole arrangementof teams for example is ridiculous. I have to have several apple ids, because in order to build things for one client, I had to be part of their 'team' - but one 'individual' can't be on several teams, so I have to use a different alias to be part of my company's team. The 'team agent' role is almost impossible to change; so my company's team agent is one of my colleagues under his gmail address, because for some reason when he first set it up that was easier, and he didn't realise we'd be stuck with it. The fact that there is no simple process to distribute test apps (which could happily expire) to clients is ridiculous. The exclusion of clients from the enterprise program is more of the same.

It's as bad being on the customer side of the Mac (desktop) app store. We've just started using an app that's only available through the store for a project. My first colleague bought it on the company's iTunes account. The second person went to do that, and it said you've already bought this, install it again. The third person was told it was already installed, but it refused to let him download it again. The fourth person was given another copy. So we've got four people using it, but have only paid for one copy. The app store won't let us pay for additional copies, which is what we should do and want to do. Apple is apparently going to roll out a system shortly - for US companies only - to let a company buy multiple licenses: but this will go to inviduals. So if I buy my book-keeper an accounting app, and she leaves, I'll have (in theory) to buy another one for her replacement! I haven't yet worked out how we're supposed to pay for Lion upgrades for all our employees, so I've only let one person upgrade so far. Again, I think this is just an example of Apple concentrating on their largest market (home/individual users) and not worrying if they haven't accounted for other cases - even substantial ones.

On 16/09/2011 03:32, Chipp Walters wrote:
> I guess I'm a bit more of a capitalist, and rather let the free market
> decide rather than have Apple anoint the winners and losers.

This is the free market. Apple gets to decide how people work with their products. Other phone manufacturers get to offer a different arrangement. Monopolies are part of the free market - placing limits on them is state intervention!

Ben (who is constantly cursing Apple, but still finds the products generally superior to the competition, and suspects the two things may be related).

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