On 9/15/11 11:58 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Jacque Landman Gay wrote:
I was just reading some articles today about Android's prominence and
promise, and how, given Apple's long time to market, some companies are
choosing more often to deploy first on Android. But the flip side of
that was discussed in another article I read, which talked about the
rampant piracy on Android, something which is nearly nonexistent on iOS.
Regarding this one comment, I'm not sure who is claiming piracy is
nonexistent on iOS, but that's flat out false. Many games that come out get
cracked within a week of getting any attention (saw it myself with my own),
and my 13 year old knows where to find "free" versions of almost anything in
the store. Perhaps it's just not talked about as much because The Big A is
always watching, and most people don't want to go through through the
Interesting, I had no idea. I can't remember who said it, I read so much
stuff that comes through on my RSS feeds. In that case, the argument is
But I wonder if they could crack a LiveCode app. It's a different
animal, so the same security might apply as well to iOS as it does to
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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