My pleasure.  I'm sure that there are plenty of discussions on the
internet that will help you further understand what is possible and
where the limitations are.  It seems a shame to throw away a possible
solution to a problem on a misunderstanding of the possibilities.  My
thoughts on the matter were based on my recollection of discussions
with Richard years ago.  I don't actually distribute any GPL software
with my applications, so the possibilities and limitations are mostly
of academic interest to me.  Like Kee, I'm not a lawyer.

I hope the suggestions on the other thread provide you with technical

Let us know if your research uncovers issues that we laymen have
missed.  When I've tried to discuss the GPL with lawyer friends, they
are very reluctant to give me a firm opinion of what is involved (it
makes me wonder if they are really worth the social liability entailed
in having them as friends).


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Graham Samuel <> wrote:
> Thanks Bernard for that very interesting insight.

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