I owned a Apple Iphone 3g and my wife owns a touch 4 and the newest
touch with better video. 

I now own a HTC Evo (not the 3D one) with an
expanded battery. 

I also own an Android tablet and an Ipad2. 

where do I begin? 

First, I like the Ipad2 better for creating music
and editing video. EVERYTHING else is better on the Android (in this
case, a Acer Iconia A500 with 32GB ram). The Acer can play flash, has
more memory expandability, usb ports, gps, vibration, sensors all over
the place and an Nvidia dual core Tegra processor that allows me to play
PS3-like graphics smoothly and effortlessly. True HDMI out and can play
1080p video with no problems. True USB port on the Acer allows for tons
of expansion, such as keyboard and mouse, hubs, music hardware, etc. Now
that they have the camera expansion for the iPad2, you can also use a
hub, keyboard, etc. Both have wifi and blue tooth. I find itunes to be a
PAIN IN THE ASS. I find Android stores to be easier to use, find stuff
and the return policy is a bit easier. However, since there is little
policing of the Android stores, cream rises to the top but there is
plenty of crap as well. Apple maintains a iron grip on the apps, music,
etc, so their policies are militant in nature. I simply hate that. 

Ipad2 has a more clean and visceral experience - namely, it seems like
the hardware is a bit more responsive and fluid. The Acer has a perfect
screen and the touch sensitivity is great, but the Ipad2 seems to have
the edge here. 

Why do I talk about tablets when this is about phones?
Because the tablets are bigger phones, essentially. 

My Iphone was
great. Small, but great. It could not really play video that well, had
limited outputs until they built peripherals for the data port, but
still, just one data port. It makes a great, but bulky mp3 player, but
iTunes just kills it for me - you just cannot do things very easily.
It's just too much effort to simply put your own mp3 files on there. 

found the sound quality of the iphone to be acceptable - not amazing,
but good. The headphone jack was recessed, so some headphones did not
fit - not a good design decision. I like the headphone jack on the
bottom of the phone even less. 

Both the phones and tablets are thinner
than their Android cousins. They remain cool and work pretty well.
Battery life simply SUCKS. iphones and iTouch iPods do not have great
battery life and there is NO WAY to upgrade it or switch it out. When it
is dead, it's dead. The iPad2 is a bit better because the battery hold a
charge a bit more and when it is turned off, the battery lasts a long
time, but with heavy use, the battery drains quickly. On the Acer
Android pad, the battery lasts a good 20 hours with heavy use - MUCH
LONGER than the iPad2, but it does not hold a charge when off or in
sleep mode and the battery will drain - so iPad2 wins on the drain game,
but cannot outlast the Acer. 

Likewise, the HTC Evo is a PLEASURE to
use. The screen is massive, gorgeous and VERY sensitive to touch. The
sound quality is equally as good (it has Dolby Surround Sound) and can
play video GREAT. It even has a HDMI output just like the Acer, so you
can tote movies and videos around with you and watch on the big screen.
It plays flash and pretty much any technology that can play on Linux
will play on the HTC with limited exceptions. I am finding more and more
of the best apple apps finding their way to my HTC. The battery life
SUCKED big time on the HTC, but, unlike the iPhone, you can simply
remove it and buy a bigger one! I did. Now I have a massive 48 hours of
usage before I have to charge it. It now fits even better in my hand and
the added weight, though negligible, makes it feel more solid for some
weird reason. Thin and lightweight is not always a good thing, as I
found the iphone to be hard to hold for long periods and would slip out
of my grip. My HTC feels solid and never slips. 

Overall, I am very
pleased with my HTC Evo and will never go back to iphone. 


Tue, 4 Oct 2011 22:28:13 -0500, Chipp Walters wrote: 

> C'mon guys!
Haven't you been following the blogs and build up for iPhone 5?
> it was
pretty well known there was SUPPOSED to be a 4 and a 5, only they
> just
announced the 4.
> Steven, yes the iPhone is a very nice device, only
this version isn't all
> that much different from a 4 (purely functional
point of view). Yes, it is
> faster, and has a bit nicer camera-- but
that's about it. None of the edge
> to edge glass or larger display the
Androids tout. I get it. You really like
> Apple stuff. I'm happy for
you. I'm just asking those who have owned BOTH
> for some insights to
the plus and minuses of each product.
> I find I no longer need much
of the iPhone apps as they all exist in better
> versions on my iPad. I
was seriously considering getting the new iPhone 5
> since my plan is
up, but I certainly don't think I'll upgrade my 4 to a 4s.
> Have you
even looked at the Androids in the store? Their screen is
*significantly* larger than the 4. And I know the maps app is better
> Android, as is their native integration with all things Google
(which I use
> a LOT). And I know I'd much rather develop for Android
than iOS- which is a
> huge plus (offset by the huge minus of Rev not
keeping feature parity
> between the two).
> On Tuesday, October 4,
2011, stephen barncard <
> stephenrevoluti...@barncard.com [4]> wrote:

>> why is this phone a turd, Chipp? Tell us how you really feel. I've
got an "old" 3 (non-gs) now and planning an upgrade. The 3a
> turd,

>> I'm no fan-boy, but I really don't want an Android. I'm going to
switch to Verizon anyway. On 4 October 2011 19:44, Chipp Walters wrote:

>>> Apple iPhone 4s-- ugh. All psyched up about the iPhone 5, and
Apple lays this turd. So disappointing. Jeez, didn't take them long to
screw things
> up
> now that Jobs is gone. Now, I'm considering
upgrading my iPhone 4 to Android. Anyone have experience with both and
can offer advice? -- Chipp Walters CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc. --
Stephen Barncard San Francisco Ca. USA more about sqb
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