Here we go. 

It seems Runrev wants more of my money. 

I upgraded
to 5.0 and they offered me a very good deal, so I took it. 

now (1 day later) I get a message (from some kind of small app loaded
into my startup) saying that my version of LiveCode 5.0 is obsolete (it
literally said that) and would I like to upgrade to 5.0.1xxx??? 

click the link and they sent me to the developer's program purchase page
- for $199 per year. Not a huge sum of money but like many of you, money
is getting harder and harder to come by. 

Not to sound stupid or
ungrateful, but does this mean I will not be able to get updates until a
stable release umpteen months from now while people who spend $200 get
minute by minute updates? 

Sheesh. A fool and his money soon do part.

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