Forgot to mention, you should also add the IM library path to the .profile
(of course if you're executing .profile as a shell script from shell, you
can name it pretty much anything, as long as you chmod it to make it

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Mike Bonner <> wrote:

> Sent this early this morning, but got kicked due to length, so heres the
> shorter version minus some of the copy paste.
> ### From previous message
> Don't have a mac any more, but checked over the install instructions to get
> up to speed so heres a couple things.
> The path export places
> This line sets up a temporary sys variable MAGIC_HOME that points to where
> image magic is.
> $magic> export MAGICK_HOME="$HOME/ImageMagick-6.7.3"
>  This line uses the preceeding variable to adjust the path. Notice that the
> pointer towards image magic is pre-pended to the existing path which means
> that when commands are run (like convert) it will find the image magic
> convert first, so of there are any other 'convert' commands you would have
> to give the full path to get them to execute instead.
> $magic> export PATH="$MAGIC_HOME/bin:$PATH"
> Also notice it says this..
> *The best way to deal with all the exports is to put them at the end of
> your .profile file *
> You can export these variables directly from the command line to test
> things out, but they are session specific. If you do as instructed and edit
> your .profile (in your home directory) and add the export lines at the end,
> they should start up at each session.
> Now heres one more kicker though. I don't know if shell() from livecode
> executes the .profile file. I'm thinking it doesn't, which means your paths
> would not be set. If this turns out to be the case you'll need to run it
> yourself as part of the shell() command.  Something like
> get shell("~/.profile;then your commands here")
> The semicolon is a command separator in this case, the tilde ~ stands for
> your home directory of course.
> Once you have your paths working properly, you can set the defaultfolder to
> wherever your images are  and execute your shell. For example if you had
> your images in /Users/yourname/images and an image named rose.jpg, something
> like this should work.
> set the defaultFolder to "/Users/yourname/images"
> get shell("~/.profile;convert rose.jpg rose.png")
> This first sets the working folder (where your images are, and thereby
> avoids issues with spaces or weirdness in pathnames)  then sets the paths by
> calling your .profile file so that IM can be found, then calls the convert
> command to change rose.jpg to rose.png in the current directory (the
> defaultfolder)
> Another option you might consider, since it looks as if you will be only
> running your app on systems controlled by you..  You could set up the os x
> web server to use image magic use the web server to run scripts and do your
> processing.   There could be one really nice bonus to this method. Since
> apache is multithreaded, you can more easily do async processing. Set up
> your scripts, use "load" to hit the web server with all your jobs, (and
> using loads callback method so you know when each request completes)
> Of course now that I think of it, I seem to recall that imagemagick will
> work in batch mode also, so it still might be better to just use shell.
> Oh, as far as memory usage goes, yes when you convert with imagemagick, you
> specify an infile, an outfile and on completion of the conversion IM should
> exit and free any memory that it used.  (or in the case of a batch job, I
> think you use the -format switch and specify a target format, and a filemask
> for the files to be converted, but don't quote me on this)
> Its REALLY early here, so I hope all this is clearer than mud.  G'luck!
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