Thanks Chris, very helpful. I have not yet found out  how to filter the Console 
output so that I only see my own 'put' lines, but give me time...

IMNSHO the mother ship makes working with iOS unnecessarily difficult by not 
explaining things like this more clearly. There are a lot of not fully 
explained things in the iOS release notes - to take a small instance, I had to 
experiment to work out that  iphoneControlGet is a function, not a substitute 
for the 'get' command. It's a tiny point, but it makes getting familiar with a 
new environment just that bit more difficult. 

A much worse one is the description of the use of the scroller control, where 
they virtually give up explaining it in words and hand you over to an example. 
This is tough, because the concept is a very unfamiliar one - that the scroller 
is not a container but a kind of mask or overlay through which you see and 
control an underlying LC control. I am still struggling with this, especially 
as it apparently involves the 'unboundedScroll' concept, which itself is very 
badly explained in the docs, and indeed includes another undocumented concept, 
the 'clamping' of a scroll. This concept applies to a group, but not to a 
scrolling list, which is a mystery in itself. By copying the example as closely 
as possible, I have got something to work, which is not the same as saying I 
understand it fully.

Really none of the three available documents (Release Notes, User Guide, 
Dictionary) are much use here. Thank goodness for this list and the generosity 
of people on it.

On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 08:28:18 -0600, Chris Sheffield <> wrote:

> Console is located in /Applications/Utilities.  You can also debug this way 
> when running your app on a device. Simply open Xcode, and under your 
> connected device, click the Console icon. Note that the Console application 
> is used when you're running in the simulator, and the Console in Xcode is 
> used when running your app on a physical device. Sometimes I get confused and 
> wonder why I'm not seeing output in one or the other. :-)
> Chris

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