On 07/14/2012 05:23 PM, John Dixon wrote:

1 ( Esquire) (abbr.: Esq.) a title appended to a lawyer's surname.

Richmond... me old mucker ...Does it really matter ?
Yer right mate!

Only to people who feel desperately insecure and have to bolster up their egos with
fancy bits popped on the front or the end of their names.

On 07/14/2012 03:58 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
So which is it? Esquire or Doctor or Lawyer? Man, that's a lot of hats.

On Friday, July 13, 2012, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

< snip >
The Hawkins Law Firm
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq

Presumably it is "Dr Hawkins", although Dr Hawkins seems not to
understand how
to use titles, as one only puts "Esq." (notice the full-stop) after the
name of somebody
who is male, over 21 and does NOT have a doctorate (or, in the case of a
physician, an MB).

On writing to somebody who has "Esq." after their name one usually
begins a letter:

Dear Mr XXXX

Although my inclination in the case of somebody who seems to be trying
to be pompous by
putting "Esq." after their own name (which one doesn't do; one calls
oneself "Mr" and they address the envelope "Richmond Mathewson. Esq.")
is to address them in one of the following ways:

"Oi Mate"

"Hey You"


"Me Old Mucker"

Love, kisses and 'we now live in the 21st century', Mr Richmond Mathewson.

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