The short answer is that the right way to 'fix' this is to use
  wait 0 secs with messages
(or  wait 0 millisecs with messages - same thing :-)

Now you said that doing that produced some strange behaviour - can you describe it in more detail, and we'll see if we can figure that out (and / or fix it).

-- Alex.
btw - you can't attach anything to mails to this list - best way is to include a URL like you did here.

On 10/09/2012 19:49, Gabriel Johnson wrote:
Hey All-

Sorry if this is a duplicate, my first version of this email from a
few days ago has not been approved yet (I'm assuming I can't attach

I am having an issue getting output to display during a loop. I've
tried lock/unlock screen but unlock screen does not seem to cause the
screen to update. The only thing that works is "wait 0 seconds" but
this causes bizarre behavior in some cases (mouseDown/mouseUp not
behaving correctly [even when I use wait "with messages"]).

I'm starting to wonder if this is a bug in LiveCode? Here is a video: which
shows some possibly odd behavior. The example in the video is simple:

repeat with x = 1 to 1000
    put x
end repeat

When I run this in the message box, what I see on the screen is a
blank result for a couple of seconds, then 1000 appears. When I do a
screen capture of that loop running, I still don't see anything on the
monitor until it is done, but on the screen capture, it shows the
number incrementing over the course of those couple of seconds until
it hits 1000. (Note: I've run this with the "put x" wrapped in
lock/unlock screen and that doesn't show anything on the screen

Is there some way aside from "wait 0 seconds" to force the screen to
show output?



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