On 15 May 2013, at 11:52, "J. Landman Gay" <jac...@hyperactivesw.com> wrote:

> On 5/13/13 3:48 PM, Paul Maguire wrote:
>> 1)    The graphics are missing. All my graphics are linked to from an
>> included folder I have next to the main app. I have included them in
>> the Standalone Application Settings (I also have a couple of fonts).
>> All this works nicely when creating the bundle for iOS. But they just
>> don't appear in Android - ulp. I take it I'm missing something here -
>> do I need to import (embed) all the assets? That would be very
>> annoying if so because I want to keep the codebase unified. I have
>> done basic Android tests before and I embedded the media and it was
>> fine. Is there any way to not to have to embed my media in Android?
> You shouldn't have to embed the images. If they aren't showing the problem is 
> almost always in the file path reference. How are you referencing the images 
> on disk?

In my build I am using 'new referenced control/image file' for all images. This 
workflow works fine for publishing to IOS but fails to load any images in 
Android. If I use a script to embed all linked media and compile for Android, 
all is well - images appear fine. I store all my images and other media in a 
Media folder next to the authoring file. It's like after compiling for Android 
the directory structure is destroyed and the app can't see or load images. I 
can see in the iOS app that the directory structure is maintained (I can 
explore the package in the Finder ) but I can't do this with the Android file 
file. Any ideas? 

>> 2)    I use 'put's to the console in OSX for help in debugging in iOS. I
>> can't see any appearing when I run the Android emulator. Is there an
>> Android SDK console window somewhere where I can see my puts?
> For Android, use Terminal and (optionally) run the logcat command. Here is an 
> excerpt from my notes from the last RevLive conference:

Wow - excellent. Thanks. 

Kinds regards, Paul. 
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