On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 1:06 AM, J. Landman Gay <jac...@hyperactivesw.com>wrote:

> If we ever get the authentication worked out, I'm still not sure how to do
> a PUT. I'll try putting the data back into the variable and send that.

put empty into url
should work fine. You can use query strings in POST, DELETE, GET or PUT.
The query string is just part of the URL you are sending. Rails will parse
what is in the query string and make those variables available to the Rails

Your issue seems to be purely authorization related at this point. If you
get stuck figuring out authorization let me know. If the URL is https then
I wouldn't be surprised if you could just use BASIC AUTH in the header
since all of the data is encrypted.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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