On 17/02/2014 20:16, Ray wrote:
That works great! And a little experimenting shows that waiting 0 milliseconds accomplishes the same goal without significantly slowing down an already slow handler. Not to sound greedy but you wouldn't also have any idea how to speed up this loop would you?

Sure, but I haven't been able to test (and I'm not sure I exactly understand what it's doing), this is simply typed straight into email - so at your own risk ....


 repeat for each char curBin in totAlphaData
      if char 2 to 4 of totColorData = binColor then
         put bin0 after newAlphaData
      else put curBin after newAlphaData
      delete char 1 to 4 of totColorData
      set the cursor to busy
   end repeat

 put 2 into tStart
 repeat for each char curBin in totAlphaData
      if char tStart to (tStart+2) of totColorData = binColor then
         put bin0 after newAlphaData
      else put curBin after newAlphaData
 -- -- --     delete char 1 to 4 of totColorData
      add 4 to tStart
      set the cursor to busy
   end repeat

This avoids the deleting of chars which is (very) expensive because it moves all the rest of the data. Although you often see the advice to avoid "counting" chunks, in this case it's OK because indexing by char is fast; it's really counting lines, items or words that is so expensive.

If I get time later tonight, I'll test this version (and also try out something else that might be even faster).

-- Alex.


On 2/17/2014 2:57 PM, Paul Dupuis wrote:

Is this behavior (title bar saying "not responding", etc.) happening
under Windows 8 perchance?

If so, we've seen the same or similar behavior under Windows 8 in long
repeat loops. We've found that including a "wait for 1 millisecond with
messages" line in the loop and this mostly lets Windows think the
application is in fact responding. I say mostly because if you watch the
task manager, the app switches between "not responding" and responding
(i.e. no note next to the name) with some regularity. Without the "wait"
statement in the loop the app is listed in the task bar continuously as
"not responding" while the loop is executing.

Paul Dupuis

On 2/17/2014 1:24 PM, Ray wrote:
Fellow LC Users,

I'm trying to provide users with a 'magic wand' style tool. Click an
image, pick up the color clicked and turn every pixel of that same
color in the image transparent.

The loop I've written takes about 30 seconds to run on a 600 by 700
pixel image, which is a problem, but worse, click anywhere before it's
finished and Livecode 'appears' to crash.  I say 'appears' because the
cursor turns into the crash cursor and the title bar displays 'not
responding'.  After the loop is done Livecode returns to normal.

I'll include the loop, below.

How do I stop LC from appearing to crash while running this loop, or
how to speed it up.


LinkIt! Software

on mouseUp
    lock messages
    put the mousecolor into myColor
    put the mouseloc into myLoc
    put the imagedata of img 1 into totColorData
    put the alphadata of img 1 into totAlphaData
    put numToChar(item 1 of myColor) into binColor
    put numToChar(item 2 of myColor) after binColor
    put numToChar(item 3 of myColor) after binColor
    put numtochar(0) into bin0               -- transparency
    repeat for each char curBin in totAlphaData
       if char 2 to 4 of totColorData = binColor then
          put bin0 after newAlphaData
       else put curBin after newAlphaData
       delete char 1 to 4 of totColorData
       set the cursor to busy
    end repeat
    set the alphadata of img 1 to newAlphaData
end mouseUp

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